HTML Utilities

EditRocket provides the following HTML utilities listed below. These can be found on the Utils tag of the HTML sidekick, or via the Code - Utils - HTML menu selection.

Convert Selection to Hyperlink: - Selecting this option wraps the currently selected in an anchor tag and set the href option of the tag to the selected text.

URL Encode Selection: - This util uses URL encoding to convert the selected text to its URL encoded format.

URL Decode Selection: - This util uses URL decoding to convert the selected text to its URL decoded format.

Wrap Selection in Tag: - This util wraps the currently selected text in an HTML tag. A input text box is displayed prompting the user for the name of the tag.

Wrap Each Selected Line in Tag: - This util parses the selected text line by line and wraps each line in a tag.

Convert Selected Chars to Character Entities: - This util converts the selected characters to their HTML character entity equivalent.

Convert Selected Chars to Numeric Entities: - This util converts the selected characters to their HTML numeric entity equivalent.

Convert All Chars to Character Entities: - This util converts all characters to their HTML character entity equivalent.

Convert All Chars to Numeric Entities: - This util converts the all characters to their HTML numeric entity equivalent.