EditRocket Feature Reference By Menu Grouping

Listed below are the names and descriptions for all features contained in EditRocket grouped together by the menu in which the features are contained.

File Menu
Edit Menu
Search Menu
Text Menu
Tools Menu
Code Menu
Sidekicks Menu
Inserts Menu
View Menu
Window Menu

File Menu

New: Open a new tab containing an empty editor.

New from Template: Open a new tab containing an editor filled with the contents of the selected template. EditRocket ships with dozens of templates for programming languages that EditRocket supports.

Users can add templates using the Add Template menu option under the New from Template menu.

Open: Open a file from the filesystem, and load that file's contents into a new tab in the editor. The syntax highlighting for the file will be set based on the file extension.

Open URL: Opens the contents of a URL, for example, http://www.editrocket.com/index.html would return the page source for the EditRocket site.

Open Choose Encoding: Opens a file with the file encoding selected from the sub-menu. Use this option if you do not want to open the file using the encoding selected in the Preferences, or if no encoding was selected in the preferences, the default operating system file encoding.

Open from FTP / SFTP: Open the FTP/SFTP connection wizard. After the user either creates or selects and existing server, then connects, an FTP/SFTP browser is displayed. Double-click a file to open it in the editor.

Save to FTP / SFTP: Saves a file to an FTP or SFTP server. If the file was previously opened from a server, all of the relevant details are pre-populated. If not, the user fills in the appropriate details or chooses the Launch FTP/SFTP browser option to save the file to the ftp / sftp server.

Close: Closes the currently active text editor tab.

Close All: Closes all tabs.

Close All Except Current: Closes all tabs except the current tab.

Save: Saves the contents of the editor to the file system. If a file is already associated with the editor, the contents are saved to that file. If there is a no file associated with the editor, a dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save As: Saves the contents of the editor to a file on the file system. A dialog will appear prompting the user to select which file to save the contents to.

Save All: Saves the contents of all of the currently open editor tabs to the file system. If the tabs are associated with a file, the contents will be saved to those files. If not, a dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save Selection As: Saves the currently highlighted selection in the editor to a file on the file system. A dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save Choose Encoding: Saves the contents of the currently selected editor to the file system using the character encoding choosen from the sub-menu.

Recent Files: This menu contains a submenu listing all of the recent files that were opened by EditRocket. Clicking on one of the files listed opens a new tab with that files contents in the programming editor.

Recent Directories: This menu contains a submenu listing all of the recent directories that were the parents of files opened by EditRocket. Clicking on one of the directories brings up a dialog with the contents of that directory, and allows the user to select one of the files in the directory for opening.

Current Directory: This menu contains the files contained in the parent directory of the file that is associated with the currently active tab in EditRocket. If there is no file associated with the currently active tab, there are no items displayed.

Favorites: The favorites item allows users to bookmark files or directories so that they can be quickly opened at a later time. To add a file or directory to the favorites, simply open the file, and select either Add Current File to Favorites or Add Current Directory to Favorites.

Tools: The File - Tools menu contains the following file tools:

Size: Displays the size of the selected file in megabytes, kilobytes, and bytes.

Get Info: Displays information about the selected file such as its modification date, type, and size.

Search: Performs a normal or regular expression search on the selected file and displays the results as the contents of a new editor tab.

Head: Performs a head on the selected file by retrieving the first so many lines of the file as specfied by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new editor tab.

Get Section: Gets the contents of the selected file from the begin and end lines specified by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new editor tab.

Tail: Performs a tail on the selected file by retrieving the last so many lines of the file as specified by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new editor tab.

Rename: Renames the selected file to the new name specified by the user.

Move: Moves the selected file to a new location as specified by the user.

Delete: Deletes the selected file.

Conversions: The File - Conversions menu contains options for converting the file's line breaks either to Windows line breaks (carriage return line feed), Unix line breaks (line feed) or Mac Classic line breaks (carriage return).

Show in Web Browser: Shows the currently active contents of the programming editor as an HTML page in the default web browser for the user's system. For Windows and Mac users, the user can choose which web browser to display, such as Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.

Make Backup: Makes a backup of the file in the currently active tab.

Compare Files: Allows the user to select two files to compare and then displays the differences of the compared files. This is similar to the UNIX diff command.

Reload: Reloads the contents of the currently active editor if there is a file associated with that editor.

Reload All: Reloads the contents of the editors for all tabs if there are files assoicated with those editors.

Reload Choose Encoding: If the currently active editor tab has a file associated with it, reloads the editor using the character encoding chosen by the user.

Print: Allows the user to either print the current editor tab contents.

Edit Menu

Undo: Undoes the last operation performed in the editor. Undo can be re-selected hundreds of times to undo operations in the sequence that they were performed.

Undo Chunk: Undoes the last chunk of text inserted in the editor. This option is faster than regular undo if undoing a large amount of actions.

Redo: Redoes the last operation performed in the editor. Redo can be re-selected hundreds of times to redo operations in the sequence that they were performed.

Cut: Cuts the highlighted text from the programming editor and places it on the system clipboard.

Copy: Copies the highlighted text from the programming editor and places it on the system clipboard.

Paste: Pastes the contents of the system clipboard to the programming editor.

Select All: Selects all the text in the currently active editor tab.

Sticky Cut: Cuts the highlighted text from the programming editor and stores it indefinitely in a special clipboard provided by EditRocket.

Sticky Copy: Copies the highlighted text from the programming editor and places it indefinitely in a special clipboard provided by EditRocket.

Sticky Paste: Pastes the contents of the EditRocket sticky clipboard to the editor.

Copy Lines Containing: Prompts the user to enter text and select whether or not to match case. Copies the lines containing the text to the clipboard.

Cut Lines Containing: Prompts the user to enter text and select whether or not to match case. Cuts the lines containing the text from the document and stores the text to the clipboard.

Delete Menu: Contains many operations for deleting text such as the following: Delete Word, Backspace Word, Delete Line, Delete to Start of Line, Delete to End of Line.

Select Menu: Contains many operations for selecting text such as selecting lines, paragraphs, pages, characters, and words.

Column Selection Mode: Changes the editor to be in column mode. Any highlights highlight from the beginning column down. Edits are at the column level.

Shift Selection Left: Shifts the highlighted selection in the editor to the left by one tab.

Shift Selection Right: Shifts the highlighted selection in the editor to the right by one tab.

Previous Word: Moves the cursor in the programming editor to the beginning of the previous word.

Next Word: Moves the cursor in the programming editor to the beginning of the next word.

Previous Paragraph: Moves the cursor in the programming editor to the beginning of the paragraph.

Next Paragraph: Moves the cursor in the programming editor to the beginning of the next paragraph.

Document Begin: Moves the cursor in the editor to the beginning of the document.

Document End: Moves the cursor in the editor to the end of the document.

Date Time: Print the current date and time in the currently active editor.

Preferences: Displays the Preferences window where users can edit preferences.

Search Menu

Find / Replace: Displays the Find / Replace dialog. This dialog allows users to find text in the currently active programming editor with options such as regular expressions, forward and backward direction, all lines or selected lines only, case sensitivity, whole word only search, wrap search, show found lines, and count all.

Users can also replace found text using the Replace, Replace / Find, and Replace All buttons.

Find Next: Finds the next search text in the editor. If there is text selected, Find Next looks for text matching the selection. If not, Find Next tries to get the last Find done for the current session and looks for that text.

Find Previous: Finds the previous search text in the editor. If there is text selected, Find Previous looks for text matching the selection. If not, Find Previous tries to get the last Find done for the current session and looks for that text.

Find Selection: Searches for text in the editor using the current selection as the search parameter.

Replace Range: Replaces a range of text in the editor, from beginning column number to ending column number, with text specified by the user. Replace Range can work on all lines or only the selected lines.

Replace Until: Prompts the user to enter text to find and text to use as replacement text. On a line by line basis, this option replaces all text up until user entered text is found with the replacement text entered by the user.

Replace After: Prompts the user to enter text to find and text to use as replacement text. On a line by line basis, this option replaces all text after the user entered text is found with the replacement text entered by the user.

Goto Line: Places the editor cursor at the beginning of the line number as specified by the user.

Match Bracket: Highlights text in the editor from the first bracket after the cursor to the matching bracket for that bracket. Brackets can include parentheses, curly brackets, and braces.

Match Tag: Highlights text in the editor from the first tag after the cursor to the matching tag for that tag.

Add Bookmark: Bookmarks the current line in the editor.

Next Bookmark: Takes the user to the line in the editor containing the next bookmark.

Previous Tag: Takes the user to the line in the editor containing the previous bookmark.

Remove Bookmarks: Removes all of the bookmarks from the editor.

Find / Replace In Files: Searches for text in files on the file system. If the find button is pressed, this text is displayed in a window with clickable icons to take the user to the exact line of text in the file where the text was found. Users can specify the file type to search in, and the directory to start the search. There is a match case option, and the ability to search sub directories.

If the Replace All button is pressed, all found text is replaced with the text in the Replace With box.

Find in Open Editors: Search for text in the editor tabs. Found text is displayed in a window with clickable links to take the user to the exact line of the found text in the appropriate tab.

Text Menu

Tabs to Spaces: Converts the tabs in the current editor or the tabs in the current selection to their equivalent number of spaces.

Spaces to Tabs: Converts the spaces in the current editor to tabs or the spaces in the current selection to tabs using the tab length that is set in the preferences to determine the conversion.

To Upper Case: Converts the text in the editor, or the selection of text in the editor to upper case.

To Lower Case: Converts the text in the editor, or the selection of text in the editor to lower case.

Append Text to Lines: Append text to either all lines in the editor, or the selected lines of the editor.

Prepend Text to Lines: Prepend text to either all lines in the editor, or the selected lines of the editor.

Insert Text at Column: Prompts the user to enter the text to insert and the column number to begin the insert. The user can then select all lines or selected lines. The text is then inserted at the column for each line.

Remove Trailing Whitespace: Removes trailing whitespace from lines, such as spaces and tabs.

Remove Beginning Whitespace: Removes beginning whitespace from lines, such as spaces and tabs.

Remove Blank Lines: Removes blank lines from the text in the editor.

Remove Duplicate Lines: Removes duplicate lines from the text in the editor.

Sort Lines: Sorts the lines in the editor.

Format to Fit Screen: Inserts line breaks into the text so that the text fits on the current screen. Line breaks are not inserted in the middle of words.

Wrap at Column Number: Wraps the text at the specified column number by inserting line breaks. Line breaks are not inserted in the middle of words.

Unwrap Text: Removes line breaks from the selected text or all text in the editor.

Word Count: Displays a count of the words, lines, and characters in the current editor.

Tools Menu

FTP / SFTP Client: A tool for connecting to FTP or SFTP servers. Users can browse, upload, download, delete, create, rename, etc. files and folders on the remote server.

Macros Menu: The macros menu has options for users to record keyboard macros, and once the macro is recorded, select the macro for execution. Once there have been macros recorded, users can use the Macro Selector shortcut to display a list of available macros for execution.

Key Ahead: The programming editor provides key ahead functionality that can be invoked by using the control/command K keyboard combination or the Tools - Key Ahead menu option.

Key Ahead displays a selectable list of items based on the current language type of the editor. The editor has pre-configured many key ahead items. The user is also able to add items to the key ahead list for languages by selecting the Key Ahead tab of the preferences window.

Zip Utility: The Zip utility allows users to view and extract the contents of Zip or Jar files.

Execute Shell Script / Batch: The execute script option allows users to execute shell or batch scripts located on their machine. The output of the script is then displayed to the user.

Execute OS Command (Non-Windows): The execute OS command allows users to execute operating system commands via EditRocket. This is similar to opening a terminal appication or command prompt.

ASCII Table: The ASCII table option displays an ASCII table with information in decimal, octal, hex, and binary format.

Color Chooser: The Color Chooser allows users to choose colors in HTML Hex or RGB format from a color wheel or by color name.

Execute Ant Build: EditRocket can call Apache Ant build scripts to execute ant builds.

CSS Validator: EditRocket provides a CSS validator that calls the W3C CSS validation tool to validate CSS. Users can choose to either validate the current active editor contents, or validate a URL.

CSS Style Builder: EditRocket provides a CSS Style Builder to easily build CSS styles. The builder breaks all style choices down into related sections and allows the user to preview and build styles based on the value they enter.

CSS Class List: EditRocket provides a CSS Class List tool for displaying all CSS classes in the current active editor in a clickable list.

HTML Validator: EditRocket provides an HTML validator that calls the W3C HTML validation tool. Users can choose to either validate the current active editor contents, or validate a URL.

HTML Tag Builder: EditRocket provides an HTML tag builder that lists all available HTML tags and allows users to customize the attributes for those tags and then copy the information into the editor.

HTML Tidy: EditRocket has an HTML Tidy tool for formatting HTML code.

HTML Entity Tool: EditRocket provides an HTML Entity tool for selecting the appropriate HTML entity corresponding to a special character.

Java Tools: EditRocket provides many Java Tools such as Method Lookup, Compile, Method List, and Generate Getter/Setter tools

JavaScript Tools: EditRocket provides JavaScript tools such as a JavaScript code validator and code compressor

XML Validator: EditRocket provides an XML Validator tool that can either validate XML syntax or validate an XML file against a schema.

Code Menu

Utils Menu: The utils menu contains langauge utils for languages such as C, HTML, Java, and XML, and includes such options as encoding and decoding URLs, converting selections to hyperlinks, etc.

Builders Menu: EditRocket provides Code Builders for many programming languages such as C, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, and Transact-SQL. Code Builders allow users to easily create code by selecting options from the code builder window. For example, the PHP Code Builder has information such as function signatures, function descriptions, and version information on all functions available in PHP. The Code Builder lets users easily select one of these functions and insert it into the editor. Function Lookup: The editor provides function lookup for the various languages it supports. Function lookup can be used via the function lookup icon, the control/command L keyboard combination, or the Tools - Function Lookup menu option.

The function lookup works by determining a list of functions based on the current language type in the editor and then displaying them in a selectable list. For example, SQL function lookup would display the SQL aggregate functions. PL/SQL function lookup would display all of the PL/SQL functions like UPPER, DBMS_OUTPUT, etc. The Java function lookup would display methods pertaining to the class type of the variable on which the user is doing the lookup.

Function / Method Navigator: The function / method navigator tool displays a list of functions contained in the currently active editor. The functions are determined based on language type. For example, if the language type is JavaScript, JavaScript functions will be displayed. The functions displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the function is located.

Query Navigator: The query navigator tool displays a list of SQL queries contained in the currently active editor. The queries displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the query is located.

Tag Navigator: The tag navigator tool displays a list of tags contained in the currently active editor. The tags displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the tag is located. The tag list is useful when the language type for the editor is HTML or XML.

Function / Method Selector: This option allows users to quickly jump to funtions or method by using the keyboard shortcut for the selector, or by selecting the menu option.

Range Comment: This option inserts a range comment into the editor, or if there is selected text, wraps the selected text in a range comment.

Line Comment: This option inserts a line comment into the editor, or if there is selected text, wraps each line in a line comment.

Sidekicks Menu

EditRocket provides sidekicks for many programming languages such as C, C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, SQL, SQL PL, Transact SQL, and XML. The sidekick has options for coding inserts, utils, tools, and function / method, tag, or query navigators depending on the programming language of the sidekick. Coding inserts allow users to quickly insert common programming constructs for the language they are coding in. Such constructs could be control statements like loops, if/else statements, common functions, etc. Utils are the utils included in the Code -> Utils menu. Tools are tools such as validators, style builders, code builders, etc. The navigators tab contains the output of the Navigator tools located in the Code menu.

Inserts Menu

EditRocket provides code inserts for many programming languages. These inserts allow users to quickly insert common code constrcuts into code with the click of a button or via a keyboard shortcut. Users can also add their own custom code inserts using the Add Insert tool. Inserts have the ability to smart indent when inserted, and sections of the insert can be highlighted, or the cursor position can be specified so that the cursor starts at a specific position in the insert.

As an example, EditRocket provides an insert for the If statement for most programming languages. Clicking the If statement insert inserts the text for an if statement with the correct indenting, and then positions the cursor such that the user can begin typing at the appropriate section of the If statement.

Coding inserts are current available for the following programming languages: ActionScript, C, C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, SQL, SQL PL, Transact-SQL, and XML. If the programming language is not listed, users can add the insert to the custom section provided by EditRocket.

View Menu

Customize Toolbar: Allows users to customize which icons appear on the toolbar.

Font: Allows users to customize the font for the text editor and file system browser.

Increase Editor Font: Increases the editor font by one size.

Decrease Editor Font: Decreases the editor font by one size.

Programming Language: Allows the user to select the programming language to use for the syntax highlighting and tools such as function lookup for the current editor. Options includes Batch, C, C++, C#, COBOL, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, PHP, Perl, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, SQL, SQL PL, Transact SQL, and XML.

File System Browser: Show / Hide the file system browser.

Display Status Panel: Show / Hide the status panel.

Display Line Numbers: Show / Hide line numbers in the text editor.

Window Menu

Close All Tabs: Close all text editor tabs.

Close All Except Current: Close text editor tabs except for the current tab.

Next Tab: Make the next EditRocket tab active.

Previous Tab: Make the previous EditRocket tab active.

Undock Current Tab: Opens a separate window with the contents of the currently active tab and closes the tab.

Undock All Tabs: Closes all tabs and displays them each as their own window

Dock All Windows: Changes all windows that were created using the undock options back to tabs in the editor.

Tile Undocked Windows Vertically: Arranges all undocked windows in a vertical tile.

Tile Undocked Windows Horizontally: Arranges all undocked windows in a horizontal tile.

Side by Side View: Allows the user to choose which tabs to view side by side, then arranges the chosen tabs on the screen as separate windows shown side by side.