Ruby URI::Generic Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on URI::Generic functions in the Ruby source code builder.

absolute?() - Checks if URI is an absolute one

absolute() - "Alias for #absolute?"

build(args) - "See #new"

build2(args) - "See #new"

coerce(oth) -

component() - Components of the URI in the order.

component() - Components of the URI in the order.

default_port() - Returns default port

default_port() - Returns default port

eql?(oth) -

find_proxy() - returns a proxy URI. The proxy URI is obtained from environment variables such as http_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy, etc. If there is no proper proxy, nil is returned.

fragment=(v) -

hash() -

hierarchical?() - Checks if URI has a path

host=(v) -

inspect() -

merge!(oth) - URI or String

merge(oth) - URI or String

new(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment, arg_check = false) - Protocol scheme, i.e. 'http','ftp','mailto' and so on.

normalize!() - "Destructive version of #normalize"

normalize() - Returns normalized URI

opaque=(v) -

password=(password) -

password() -

path=(v) -

port=(v) -

query=(v) -

registry=(v) -

relative?() - Checks if URI is relative

route_from(oth) - URI or String

route_to(oth) - URI or String

scheme=(v) -

select(*components) - Multiple Symbol arguments defined in URI::HTTP

to_s() - Constructs String from URI

use_registry() - "DOC: FIXME!"

user=(user) -

user() -

userinfo=(userinfo) - Sets userinfo, argument is string like 'name:pass'

userinfo() -