Ruby Test::Unit::UI::Fox::TestRunner Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on Test::Unit::UI::Fox::TestRunner functions in the Ruby source code builder.
add_fault(fault) -
attach_to_mediator() -
clear_fault() -
create_application() -
create_button(parent, text, action) -
create_detail_panel(parent) -
create_entry(parent) -
create_fault_list(parent) -
create_info_panel(parent) -
create_label(parent, text) -
create_list_panel(parent) -
create_main_panel(parent) -
create_progress_bar(parent) -
create_suite_panel(parent) -
create_text(parent) -
create_tooltip(app) -
create_window(app) -
finished(elapsed_time) -
new(suite, output_level = NORMAL) - Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed suite.
output_status(string) -
raw_show_fault(string) -
reset_ui(count) -
result_changed(result) -
setup_mediator() -
setup_ui() -
show_fault(fault) -
start() - Begins the test run.
start_ui() -
started(result) -
stop() -
test_started(test_name) -