Ruby SOAP::RPC::CGIStub Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on SOAP::RPC::CGIStub functions in the Ruby source code builder.

add_document_operation(receiver, soapaction, name, param_def, opt = {}) -

add_headerhandler(obj) -

add_method(obj, name, *param) - "Alias for #add_rpc_method"

add_method_as(obj, name, name_as, *param) - "Alias for #add_rpc_method_as"

add_method_with_namespace(namespace, obj, name, *param) - "Alias for #add_rpc_method_with_namespace"

add_method_with_namespace_as(namespace, obj, name, name_as, *param) - "Alias for #add_rpc_method_with_namespace_as"

add_rpc_headerhandler(obj) - "Alias for #add_headerhandler"

add_rpc_method(obj, name, *param) - method entry interface

add_rpc_method_as(obj, name, name_as, *param) -

add_rpc_method_with_namespace(namespace, obj, name, *param) -

add_rpc_method_with_namespace_as(namespace, obj, name, name_as, *param) -

add_rpc_operation(receiver, qname, soapaction, name, param_def, opt = {}) -

add_rpc_servant(obj, namespace = @default_namespace) - servant entry interface

add_servant(obj, namespace = @default_namespace) - "Alias for #add_rpc_servant"

generate_explicit_type=(generate_explicit_type) -

generate_explicit_type() -

mapping_registry=(value) -

mapping_registry() -

new(appname, default_namespace) -

on_init() -

set_fcgi_request(request) -