Ruby SOAP::Mapping Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on SOAP::Mapping functions in the Ruby source code builder.

ary2md(ary, rank, type_ns = XSD::Namespace, typename = XSD::AnyTypeLiteral, registry = nil, opt = EMPTY_OPT) -

ary2soap(ary, type_ns = XSD::Namespace, typename = XSD::AnyTypeLiteral, registry = nil, opt = EMPTY_OPT) -

class2element(klass) -

class2qname(klass) -

class_from_name(name, lenient = false) -

const_from_name(name, lenient = false) -

create_empty_object(klass) - ruby/1.7 or later.

define_attr_accessor(obj, name, getterproc, setterproc = nil) -

define_singleton_method(obj, name, &block) -

elename2name(name) -

fault2exception(fault, registry = nil) -

get_attribute(obj, attr_name) -

module_from_name(name, lenient = false) -

name2elename(name) - "Allow only (Letter | '_') (Letter | Digit | '-' | '_')* here. Caution: '.' is not allowed here. To follow XML spec., it should be NCName."

obj2element(obj) -

obj2soap(obj, registry = nil, type = nil, opt = EMPTY_OPT) -

schema_attribute_definition(klass) -

schema_element_definition(klass) -

schema_ns_definition(klass) -

schema_type_definition(klass) -

set_attributes(obj, values) -

soap2obj(node, registry = nil, klass = nil, opt = EMPTY_OPT) -