Ruby RI::ClassEntry Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on RI::ClassEntry functions in the Ruby source code builder.
add_path(path) - We found this class in more tha one place, so add in the name from there.
all_method_names() - Return a list of all out method names
classes_and_modules() -
contained_class_named(name) - Return an exact match to a particular name
contained_modules_matching(name) - Return a list of any classes or modules that we contain that match a given string
full_name() - Return our full name
load_from(dir) - read in our methods and any classes and modules in our namespace. Methods are stored in files called name-c|i.yaml, where the 'name' portion is the external form of the method name and the c|i is a class|instance flag
methods_matching(name, is_class_method) - return the list of local methods matching name We're split into two because we need distinct behavior when called from the toplevel
new(path_name, name, in_class) -
recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method) - Find methods matching 'name' in ourselves and in any classes we contain