Ruby REXML::Parsers::BaseParser Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on REXML::Parsers::BaseParser functions in the Ruby source code builder.
add_listener( listener ) -
empty?() - Returns true if there are no more events
entity( reference, entities ) -
has_next?() - Returns true if there are more events. Synonymous with !empty?
new( source ) -
normalize( input, entities=nil, entity_filter=nil ) - Escapes all possible entities
peek(depth=0) - Peek at the depth event in the stack. The first element on the stack is at depth 0. If depth is -1, will parse to the end of the input stream and return the last event, which is always :end_document. Be aware that this causes the stream to be parsed up to the depth event, so you can effectively pre-parse the entire document (pull the entire thing into memory) using this method.
position() -
pull() - Returns the next event. This is a PullEvent object.
stream=( source ) -
unnormalize( string, entities=nil, filter=nil ) - Unescapes all possible entities
unshift(token) - Push an event back on the head of the stream. This method has (theoretically) infinite depth.