Ruby IRB::Context Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on IRB::Context functions in the Ruby source code builder.

change_workspace(*_main) -

debug?() -

debug_level=(value) -

eval_history=(no) -

evaluate(line, line_no) -

exit(ret = 0) -

file_input?() -

history_file=(hist) -

history_file() -

home_workspace() -

init_save_history() -

inspect?() -

inspect() -

inspect_mode=(opt) -

irb_level() -

main() -

math_mode=(opt) -

new(irb, workspace = nil, input_method = nil, output_method = nil) - "Arguments:"

pop_workspace() -

prompt_mode=(mode) -

prompting?() -

push_workspace(*_main) -

save_history=(val) -

save_history() -

set_last_value(value) -

to_s() - "Alias for #inspect"

use_loader=(opt) -

use_loader?() - "Alias for #use_loader"

use_loader() -

use_readline=(opt) -

use_tracer=(opt) -

verbose?() -

workspaces() -