Ruby Integer Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Integer functions in the Ruby source code builder.

ceil - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

chr - Returns a string containing the ASCII character represented by the receiver's value.

denominator() - In an integer, the denominator is 1. Therefore, this method returns 1.

downto(limit) - Iterates block, passing decreasing values from int down to and including limit.

floor - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

from_prime_division(pd) -

gcd(other) - Returns the greatest common denominator of the two numbers (self and n).

gcd2(int) -

gcdlcm(other) - "Returns the GCD and the LCM (see #gcd and #lcm) of the two arguments (self and other). This is more efficient than calculating them separately."

induced_from(obj) - Convert obj to an Integer.

integer? - Always returns true.

lcm(other) - Returns the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the two arguments (self and other).

next - Returns the Integer equal to int + 1.

new -

numerator() - In an integer, the value is the numerator of its rational equivalent. Therefore, this method returns self.

prime_division() -

round - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

succ - Returns the Integer equal to int + 1.

times - Iterates block int times, passing in values from zero to int - 1.

to_i - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

to_int - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

to_r() - Returns a Rational representation of this integer.

to_yaml( opts = {} ) -

truncate - As int is already an Integer, all these methods simply return the receiver.

upto(limit) - Iterates block, passing in integer values from int up to and including limit.