Ruby Generators::HtmlMethod Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on Generators::HtmlMethod functions in the Ruby source code builder.
add_line_numbers(src) - we rely on the fact that the first line of a source code listing has
aliases() -
all_methods() -
aref() -
as_href(from_path) - return a reference to outselves to be used as an href= the form depends on whether we're all in one file or in multiple files
call_seq() -
create_source_code_file(code_body) -
description() -
document_self() -
find_symbol(symbol, method=nil) -
index_name() -
markup_code(tokens) - Given a sequence of source tokens, mark up the source code to make it look purty.
name() -
new(context, html_class, options) -
params() -
parent_name() -
path() -
reset() -
section() -
singleton() -
visibility() -