Ruby Exception Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Exception functions in the Ruby source code builder.

backtrace - "Returns any backtrace associated with the exception. The backtrace is an array of strings, each containing either ``filename:lineNo: in `method''' or ``filename:lineNo.''"

exception(string) - With no argument, or if the argument is the same as the receiver, return the receiver. Otherwise, create a new exception object of the same class as the receiver, but with a message equal to string.to_str.

exception(string) - With no argument, or if the argument is the same as the receiver, return the receiver. Otherwise, create a new exception object of the same class as the receiver, but with a message equal to string.to_str.

inspect - Return this exception's class name an message

message - Returns the result of invoking exception.to_s. Normally this returns the exception's message or name. By supplying a to_str method, exceptions are agreeing to be used where Strings are expected.

new(msg = nil) - Construct a new Exception object, optionally passing in a message.

set_backtrace(array) - Sets the backtrace information associated with exc. The argument must be an array of String objects in the format described in Exception#backtrace.

to_s - Returns exception's message (or the name of the exception if no message is set).

to_str - Returns the result of invoking exception.to_s. Normally this returns the exception's message or name. By supplying a to_str method, exceptions are agreeing to be used where Strings are expected.

to_yaml( opts = {} ) -

yaml_new( klass, tag, val ) -