Ruby DRb::DRbServer Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on DRb::DRbServer functions in the Ruby source code builder.

alive?() - Is this server alive?

check_insecure_method(obj, msg_id) - Check that a method is callable via dRuby.

default_acl(acl) - Set the default value for the :acl option.

default_argc_limit(argc) - Set the default value for the :argc_limit option.

default_id_conv(idconv) - Set the default value for the :id_conv option.

default_load_limit(sz) - Set the default value for the :load_limit option.

default_safe_level(level) -

new(uri=nil, front=nil, config_or_acl=nil) - Create a new DRbServer instance.

stop_service() - Stop this server.

to_id(obj) - Convert a local object to a dRuby reference.

to_obj(ref) - Convert a dRuby reference to the local object it refers to.

verbose=(on) - Set the default value of the :verbose option.

verbose=(on) - Set the default value of the :verbose option.

verbose() - Get the default value of the :verbose option.

verbose() - Get the default value of the :verbose option.