Ruby DEBUGGER__::Context Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on DEBUGGER__::Context functions in the Ruby source code builder.

break_points() -

check_break_points(file, klass, pos, binding, id) -

check_suspend() -

clear_suspend() -

context(th) -

debug_command(file, line, id, binding) -

debug_eval(str, binding) -

debug_funcname(id) -

debug_method_info(input, binding) -

debug_print_help() -

debug_silent_eval(str, binding) -

debug_variable_info(input, binding) -

display() -

display_expression(exp, binding) -

display_expressions(binding) -

display_frames(pos) -

display_list(b, e, file, line) -

excn_handle(file, line, id, binding) -

format_frame(pos) -

frame_set_pos(file, line) -

line_at(file, line) -

new() -

readline(prompt, hist) -

resume_all() -

set_last_thread(th) -

set_suspend() -

set_trace(arg) -

set_trace_all(arg) -

stdout() -

stop_next(n=1) -

suspend_all() -

thnum() -

trace?() -

trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, klass) -

var_list(ary, binding) -