Python logging Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on logging functions in the Python source code builder.
addLevelName(lvl, levelName) - Associates level lvl with text levelName in an internal dictionary, which is used to map numeric levels to a textual representation, for example when a Formatter formats a message.
basicConfig([**kwargs]) - Does basic configuration for the logging system by creating a StreamHandler with a default Formatter and adding it to the root logger.
critical(msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the root logger.
debug(msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level DEBUG on the root logger.
disable(lvl) - Provides an overriding level lvl for all loggers which takes precedence over the logger's own level.
error(msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level ERROR on the root logger.
exception(msg[, *args]) - Logs a message with level ERROR on the root logger.
getLevelName(lvl) - Returns the textual representation of logging level lvl.
getLogger([name]) - Return a logger with the specified name or, if no name is specified, return a logger which is the root logger of the hierarchy.
getLoggerClass() - Return either the standard Logger class, or the last class passed to setLoggerClass().
info(msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level INFO on the root logger.
log(level, msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level level on the root logger.
makeLogRecord(attrdict) - Creates and returns a new LogRecord instance whose attributes are defined by attrdict.
setLoggerClass(klass) - Tells the logging system to use the class klass when instantiating a logger.
shutdown() - Informs the logging system to perform an orderly shutdown by flushing and closing all handlers.
warning(msg[, *args[, **kwargs]]) - Logs a message with level WARNING on the root logger.