Python difflib Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on difflib functions in the Python source code builder.

IS_CHARACTER_JUNK(ch) - Return true for ignorable characters.

IS_LINE_JUNK(line) - Return true for ignorable lines.

__init__([tabsize][, wrapcolumn][, linejunk][, charjunk]) -

context_diff(a, b[, fromfile][, tofile][, fromfiledate][, tofiledate][, n][, lineterm]) - Compare a and b (lists of strings); return a delta (a generator generating the delta lines) in context diff format.

get_close_matches(word, possibilities[, n][, cutoff]) - Return a list of the best ``good enough'' matches.

make_file(fromlines, tolines [, fromdesc][, todesc][, context][, numlines]) - Compares fromlines and tolines (lists of strings) and returns a string which is a complete HTML file containing a table showing line by line differences with inter-line and intra-line changes highlighted.

make_table(fromlines, tolines [, fromdesc][, todesc][, context][, numlines]) - Compares fromlines and tolines (lists of strings) and returns a string which is a complete HTML table showing line by line differences with inter-line and intra-line changes highlighted.

ndiff(a, b[, linejunk][, charjunk]) - Compare a and b (lists of strings); return a Differ-style delta (a generator generating the delta lines).

restore(sequence, which) - Return one of the two sequences that generated a delta.

unified_diff(a, b[, fromfile][, tofile][, fromfiledate][, tofiledate][, n][, lineterm]) - Compare a and b (lists of strings); return a delta (a generator generating the delta lines) in unified diff format.