Python curses.ascii Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on curses.ascii functions in the Python source code builder.

alt(c) - Return the 8-bit character corresponding to the given ASCII character (the character bit value is bitwise-ored with 0x80).

ascii(c) - Return the ASCII value corresponding to the low 7 bits of c.

ctrl(c) - Return the control character corresponding to the given character (the character bit value is bitwise-anded with 0x1f).

isalnum(c) - Checks for an ASCII alphanumeric character; it is equivalent to "isalpha(c) or isdigit(c)".

isalpha(c) - Checks for an ASCII alphabetic character; it is equivalent to "isupper(c) or islower(c)".

isascii(c) - Checks for a character value that fits in the 7-bit ASCII set.

isblank(c) - Checks for an ASCII whitespace character.

iscntrl(c) - Checks for an ASCII control character (in the range 0x00 to 0x1f).

isctrl(c) - Checks for an ASCII control character (ordinal values 0 to 31).

isdigit(c) - Checks for an ASCII decimal digit, "0" through "9".

isgraph(c) - Checks for ASCII any printable character except space.

islower(c) - Checks for an ASCII lower-case character.

ismeta(c) - Checks for a non-ASCII character (ordinal values 0x80 and above).

isprint(c) - Checks for any ASCII printable character including space.

ispunct(c) - Checks for any printable ASCII character which is not a space or an alphanumeric character.

isspace(c) - Checks for ASCII white-space characters; space, line feed, carriage return, form feed, horizontal tab, vertical tab.

isupper(c) - Checks for an ASCII uppercase letter.

isxdigit(c) - Checks for an ASCII hexadecimal digit.

unctrl(c) - Return a string representation of the ASCII character c.