PHP W32api Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on W32api functions in the PHP source code builder.
bool w32api_deftype ( string $typename , string $member1_type , string $member1_name [, string $... [, string $... ]] ) - You need to call this function if you would like to define a type for a w32api call.
resource w32api_init_dtype ( string $typename , mixed $value [, mixed $... ] ) - This function creates an instance of the data type named typename, filling in the values of the data type.
mixed w32api_invoke_function ( string $funcname , mixed $argument [, mixed $... ] ) - w32api_invoke_function() tries to find the previously registered function, passing the parameters you provided.
bool w32api_register_function ( string $library , string $function_name , string $return_type ) - This function tries to find the function_name function in libary, and tries to import it into PHP.
void w32api_set_call_method ( int $method ) - This function sets the method call type.