PHP Variable Handling Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Variable Handling functions in the PHP source code builder.

void debug_zval_dump ( mixed $variable ) - Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output.


bool empty ( mixed $var ) - Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty.

float floatval ( mixed $var ) -

array get_defined_vars ( void ) - This function returns a multidimensional array containing a list of all defined variables, be them environment, server or user-defined variables, within the scope that get_defined_vars() is called.

string get_resource_type ( resource $handle ) - This function gets the type of the given resource.

string gettype ( mixed $var ) - Returns the type of the PHP variable var.

bool import_request_variables ( string $types [, string $prefix ] ) - Imports GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope.

int intval ( mixed $var [, int $base ] ) -

bool is_array ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is an array.

bool is_binary ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a native binary string.

bool is_bool ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a boolean.

bool is_buffer ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a native unicode or binary string.

bool is_callable ( mixed $var [, bool $syntax_only [, string &$callable_name ]] ) - Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function. This can check that a simple variable contains the name of a valid function, or that an array contains a properly encoded object and function name.


bool is_float ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the type of the given variable is float.

bool is_int ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the type of the given variable is integer.



bool is_null ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is NULL.

bool is_numeric ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is numeric. Numeric strings consist of optional sign, any number of digits, optional decimal part and optional exponential part. Thus +0123.45e6 is a valid numeric value. Hexadecimal notation (0xFF) is allowed too but only without sign, decimal and exponential part.

bool is_object ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is an object.


bool is_resource ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a resource.

bool is_scalar ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a scalar.

bool is_string ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the type given variable is string.

bool is_unicode ( mixed $var ) - Finds whether the given variable is a unicode string.

bool isset ( mixed $var [, mixed $var [, $... ]] ) - Determine whether a variable is set.

mixed print_r ( mixed $expression [, bool $return ] ) - print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans.

string serialize ( mixed $value ) - Generates a storable representation of a value

bool settype ( mixed &$var , string $type ) - Set the type of variable var to type.

string strval ( mixed $var ) -

mixed unserialize ( string $str ) -

void unset ( mixed $var [, mixed $var [, mixed $... ]] ) - unset() destroys the specified variables.

void var_dump ( mixed $expression [, mixed $expression [, $... ]] ) -

mixed var_export ( mixed $expression [, bool $return ] ) -