PHP Stream Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Stream functions in the PHP source code builder.

void stream_bucket_append ( resource $brigade , resource $bucket ) -

object stream_bucket_make_writeable ( resource $brigade ) -

object stream_bucket_new ( resource $stream , string $buffer ) -

void stream_bucket_prepend ( resource $brigade , resource $bucket ) -






int stream_copy_to_stream ( resource $source , resource $dest [, int $maxlength [, int $offset ]] ) - Makes a copy of up to maxlength bytes of data from the current position (or from the offset position, if specified) in source to dest. If maxlength is not specified, all remaining content in source will be copied.

bool stream_encoding ( resource $stream [, string $encoding ] ) -












string stream_resolve_include_path ( string $filename [, resource $context ] ) -









array stream_socket_pair ( int $domain , int $type , int $protocol ) - stream_socket_pair() creates a pair of connected, indistinguishable socket streams. This function is commonly used in IPC (Inter-Process Communication).




bool stream_socket_shutdown ( resource $stream , int $how ) - Shutdowns (partially or not) a full-duplex connection.


