PHP Shockwave Flash Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Shockwave Flash functions in the PHP source code builder.

void swf_actiongeturl ( string $url , string $target ) - Gets the URL specified by the parameter url with the given target.

void swf_actiongotoframe ( int $framenumber ) - The swf_actiongotoframe() function will go to the frame specified by framenumber, play it, and then stop.

void swf_actiongotolabel ( string $label ) - The swf_actiongotolabel() function displays the frame with the label given by the label parameter and then stops.

void swf_actionnextframe ( void ) - Go forward one frame.

void swf_actionplay ( void ) - Start playing the flash movie from the current frame.

void swf_actionsettarget ( string $target ) - Sets the context for all actions. You can use this to control other flash movies that are currently playing.

void swf_actionstop ( void ) - Stop playing the flash movie at the current frame.

void swf_actiontogglequality ( void ) - Toggle the flash movie between high and low quality.

void swf_actionwaitforframe ( int $framenumber , int $skipcount ) - The swf_actionwaitforframe() function will check to see if the frame, specified by the framenumber parameter has been loaded, if not it will skip the number of actions specified by the skipcount parameter. This can be useful for Loading... type animations.

void swf_addbuttonrecord ( int $states , int $shapeid , int $depth ) - Allow you to define the specifics of using a button.

void swf_addcolor ( float $r , float $g , float $b , float $a ) - Sets the global add color to the specified color.

void swf_closefile ([ int $return_file ] ) -

void swf_definebitmap ( int $objid , string $image_name ) - The swf_definebitmap() function defines a bitmap given an image.

void swf_definefont ( int $fontid , string $fontname ) - The swf_definefont() function defines a font parameter and gives it the specified id. It then sets the font given by fontname to the current font.

void swf_defineline ( int $objid , float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $width ) - Defines a line.

void swf_definepoly ( int $objid , array $coords , int $npoints , float $width ) - Defines a polygon given an array of x, y coordinates.

void swf_definerect ( int $objid , float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $width ) - Defines a rectangle with an upper left hand coordinate and a lower right hand coordinate.

void swf_definetext ( int $objid , string $str , int $docenter ) - Defines a text string using the current font and font size.

void swf_endbutton ( void ) - The swf_endbutton() function ends the definition of the current button.

void swf_enddoaction ( void ) -

void swf_endshape ( void ) - The swf_endshape() completes the definition of the current shape.

void swf_endsymbol ( void ) -

void swf_fontsize ( float $size ) - Changes the font size to the value given by the size parameter.

void swf_fontslant ( float $slant ) - Set the current font slant to the angle indicated by the slant parameter.

void swf_fonttracking ( float $tracking ) - Set the font tracking to the value specified by the tracking parameter. This function is used to increase the spacing between letters and text, positive values increase the space and negative values decrease the space between letters.

array swf_getbitmapinfo ( int $bitmapid ) - Returns information about a bitmap.

array swf_getfontinfo ( void ) - Gets information about the font by giving the height in pixels of a capital A and a lowercase x.

int swf_getframe ( void ) - The swf_getframe() function gets the number of the current frame.

void swf_labelframe ( string $name ) - Labels the current frame with the given name.

void swf_lookat ( float $view_x , float $view_y , float $view_z , float $reference_x , float $reference_y , float $reference_z , float $twist ) - Defines a viewing transformation by giving the viewing position and the coordinates of a reference point in the scene.

void swf_modifyobject ( int $depth , int $how ) - Updates the position and/or color of the object at the specified depth.

void swf_mulcolor ( float $r , float $g , float $b , float $a ) - Sets the global multiply color to the given one.

int swf_nextid ( void ) - The swf_nextid() function returns the next available object id.

void swf_oncondition ( int $transition ) - The swf_oncondition() function describes a transition that will trigger an action list.

void swf_openfile ( string $filename , float $width , float $height , float $framerate , float $r , float $g , float $b ) - Opens a new file. This must be the first function you call, otherwise your script will not work.

void swf_ortho ( float $xmin , float $xmax , float $ymin , float $ymax , float $zmin , float $zmax ) - Defines an orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport.

void swf_ortho2 ( float $xmin , float $xmax , float $ymin , float $ymax ) - Defines a two dimensional orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport, this defaults to one to one mapping of the area of the Flash movie.

void swf_perspective ( float $fovy , float $aspect , float $near , float $far ) - Defines a perspective projection transformation.

void swf_placeobject ( int $objid , int $depth ) - Places the object in the current frame at a specified depth.

void swf_polarview ( float $dist , float $azimuth , float $incidence , float $twist ) - The swf_polarview() function defines the viewer's position in polar coordinates.

void swf_popmatrix ( void ) - Pushes the current transformation matrix back onto the stack.

void swf_posround ( int $round ) - Enables or disables the rounding of the translation when objects are placed or moved, there are times when text becomes more readable because rounding has been enabled.

void swf_pushmatrix ( void ) - Pushes the current transformation matrix back onto the stack.

void swf_removeobject ( int $depth ) - Removes the object at the depth specified by depth.

void swf_rotate ( float $angle , string $axis ) - Rotates the current transformation by a given angle around the given axis.

void swf_scale ( float $x , float $y , float $z ) - The swf_scale() scales curve coordinates by the given value.

void swf_setfont ( int $fontid ) - The swf_setfont() sets the current font to the value given by the fontid parameter.

void swf_setframe ( int $framenumber ) - Changes the active frame to the specified on.

void swf_shapearc ( float $x , float $y , float $r , float $ang1 , float $ang2 ) - Draws a circular arc.

void swf_shapecurveto ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 ) - Draws a quadratic bezier curve from the current location, though the two given points.

void swf_shapecurveto3 ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $x3 , float $y3 ) - Draw a cubic bezier curve using the given coordinates.

void swf_shapefillbitmapclip ( int $bitmapid ) - Sets the fill to bitmap clipped, empty spaces will be filled by the bitmap.

void swf_shapefillbitmaptile ( int $bitmapid ) - Sets the fill to bitmap tile, empty spaces will be filled by the bitmap.

void swf_shapefilloff ( void ) - Turns off filling for the current shape.

void swf_shapefillsolid ( float $r , float $g , float $b , float $a ) - Sets the current fill style to solid, and then sets the fill color to the given color.

void swf_shapelinesolid ( float $r , float $g , float $b , float $a , float $width ) - Sets the current line style to the given color and width.

void swf_shapelineto ( float $x , float $y ) - Draws a line to the x and y coordinates. The current position is then set to that point.

void swf_shapemoveto ( float $x , float $y ) - Moves the current position to the given point.

void swf_showframe ( void ) - Outputs the current frame.

void swf_startbutton ( int $objid , int $type ) - Starts the definition of a button.

void swf_startdoaction ( void ) - Starts the description of an action list for the current frame. This must be called before actions are defined for the current frame.

void swf_startshape ( int $objid ) - Starts a complex shape.

void swf_startsymbol ( int $objid ) - Defines an object id as a symbol. Symbols are tiny flash movies that can be played simultaneously.

float swf_textwidth ( string $str ) - Gives the width of the string in pixels, using the current font and font size.

void swf_translate ( float $x , float $y , float $z ) - Translates the current transformation by the given values.

void swf_viewport ( float $xmin , float $xmax , float $ymin , float $ymax ) - Selects an area for future drawing for xmin to xmax and ymin to ymax, if this function is not called the area defaults to the size of the screen.