PHP Oracle Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Oracle functions in the PHP source code builder.

bool oci_bind_array_by_name ( resource $statement , string $name , array &$var_array , int $max_table_length [, int $max_item_length [, int $type ]] ) - Binds the PHP array var_array to the Oracle placeholder name, which points to Oracle PL/SQL array. Whether it will be used for input or output will be determined at run-time.

bool oci_bind_by_name ( resource $statement , string $ph_name , mixed &$variable [, int $maxlength [, int $type ]] ) - Binds the PHP variable variable to the Oracle placeholder ph_name. Whether it will be used for input or output will be determined at run-time and the necessary storage space will be allocated.

bool oci_cancel ( resource $statement ) - Invalidates a cursor, freeing all associated resources and cancels the ability to read from it.

bool oci_close ( resource $connection ) - Closes the Oracle connection.









bool oci_commit ( resource $connection ) - Commits all outstanding statements for the active transaction on the Oracle connection.

resource oci_connect ( string $username , string $password [, string $db [, string $charset [, int $session_mode ]]] ) - Returns a connection identifier needed for most other OCI calls.

bool oci_define_by_name ( resource $statement , string $column_name , mixed &$variable [, int $type ] ) - Defines PHP variables for fetches of SQL-Columns.

array oci_error ([ resource $source ] ) - Returns the last error found.

bool oci_execute ( resource $statement [, int $mode ] ) - Executes a previously parsed statement.

bool oci_fetch ( resource $statement ) - Fetches the next row (for SELECT statements) into the internal result-buffer.

int oci_fetch_all ( resource $statement , array &$output [, int $skip [, int $maxrows [, int $flags ]]] ) - Fetches all the rows from a result into a user-defined array.

array oci_fetch_array ( resource $statement [, int $mode ] ) - Returns an array, which corresponds to the next result row.

array oci_fetch_assoc ( resource $statement ) - Returns the next row from the result data as an associative array.

object oci_fetch_object ( resource $statement ) - Returns the next row from the result data as an object.

array oci_fetch_row ( resource $statement ) - Returns the next row from the result data as an indexed array.

bool oci_field_is_null ( resource $statement , mixed $field ) - Checks if the given field from the statement is NULL.

string oci_field_name ( resource $statement , int $field ) - Returns the name of the field.

int oci_field_precision ( resource $statement , int $field ) - Returns precision of the field.

int oci_field_scale ( resource $statement , int $field ) - Returns the scale of the column with field index.

int oci_field_size ( resource $statement , mixed $field ) - Returns the size of a field.

mixed oci_field_type ( resource $statement , int $field ) - Returns a field's data type.

int oci_field_type_raw ( resource $statement , int $field ) - Returns Oracle's raw data type of the field.

bool oci_free_statement ( resource $statement ) -

void oci_internal_debug ( bool $onoff ) - Enables or disables internal debug output.



bool oci_lob_copy ( OCI-Lob $lob_to , OCI-Lob $lob_from [, int $length ] ) - Copies a large object or a part of a large object to another large object. Old LOB-recipient data will be overwritten.








bool oci_lob_is_equal ( OCI-Lob $lob1 , OCI-Lob $lob2 ) - Compares two LOB/FILE locators.














OCI-Collection oci_new_collection ( resource $connection , string $tdo [, string $schema ] ) - Allocates a new collection object.

resource oci_new_connect ( string $username , string $password [, string $db [, string $charset [, int $session_mode ]]] ) - Establishes a new connection to an Oracle server and logs on.

resource oci_new_cursor ( resource $connection ) - Allocates a new statement handle on the specified connection.

OCI-Lob oci_new_descriptor ( resource $connection [, int $type ] ) - Allocates resources to hold descriptor or LOB locator.

int oci_num_fields ( resource $statement ) - Gets the number of columns in the given statement.

int oci_num_rows ( resource $statement ) - Gets the number of rows affected during statement execution.

resource oci_parse ( resource $connection , string $query ) -

bool oci_password_change ( resource $connection , string $username , string $old_password , string $new_password ) -

resource oci_pconnect ( string $username , string $password [, string $db [, string $charset [, int $session_mode ]]] ) - Creates a persistent connection to an Oracle server and logs on.

mixed oci_result ( resource $statement , mixed $field ) -

bool oci_rollback ( resource $connection ) - Rolls back all outstanding statements for the Oracle connection.

string oci_server_version ( resource $connection ) - Returns a string with version information of the Oracle server, which uses the provided connection.

bool oci_set_prefetch ( resource $statement , int $rows ) -

string oci_statement_type ( resource $statement ) - Returns the type of the provided OCI statement.























int ocifetchinto ( resource $statement , array &$result [, int $mode ] ) - This function is deprecated.



























bool ora_bind ( resource $cursor , string $phpvar , string $sqlparam , int $length [, int $type ] ) - Binds the named PHP variable with a SQL parameter.

bool ora_close ( resource $cursor ) - Closes a data cursor.

string ora_columnname ( resource $cursor , int $column ) - Returns the name of the column on the cursor.

int ora_columnsize ( resource $cursor , int $column ) - Returns the size of a column on the cursor.

string ora_columntype ( resource $cursor , int $column ) - Returns the Oracle data type name of the column on the cursor.

bool ora_commit ( resource $connection ) - Commits an Oracle transaction.

bool ora_commitoff ( resource $connection ) -

bool ora_commiton ( resource $connection ) -

resource ora_do ( resource $connection , string $query ) - Parse and execute a statement, then fetch the first result row.

string ora_error ([ resource $cursor_or_connection ] ) - Returns the error message of the last executed statement on the specified cursor or connection.

int ora_errorcode ([ resource $cursor_or_connection ] ) - Returns the numeric error code of the last executed statement on the specified cursor or connection.

bool ora_exec ( resource $cursor ) - Executes the parsed statement cursor.

bool ora_fetch ( resource $cursor ) - Retrieves a row of data from the specified cursor.

int ora_fetch_into ( resource $cursor , array &$result [, int $flags ] ) - Fetches a row of data into an array.

string ora_getcolumn ( resource $cursor , int $column ) - Fetches the data for a column or function result.

bool ora_logoff ( resource $connection ) - Logs out the user and disconnects from the server.

resource ora_logon ( string $user , string $password ) - Establishes a connection between PHP and an Oracle database.

int ora_numcols ( resource $cursor ) - Returns the number of columns in a result. It only returns meaningful values after a parse/exec/fetch sequence.

int ora_numrows ( resource $cursor ) - Returns the number of rows in a result.

resource ora_open ( resource $connection ) - Opens an Oracle cursor associated with connection.

bool ora_parse ( resource $cursor , string $sql_statement [, int $defer ] ) - Parses an SQL statement or a PL/SQL block and associates it with the given cursor.

resource ora_plogon ( string $user , string $password ) - Establishes a persistent connection between PHP and an Oracle database.

bool ora_rollback ( resource $connection ) - Rollbacks an Oracle transaction.