PHP OpenAL Audio Bindings Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on OpenAL Audio Bindings functions in the PHP source code builder.

resource openal_buffer_create ( void ) -

bool openal_buffer_data ( resource $buffer , int $format , string $data , int $freq ) -

bool openal_buffer_destroy ( resource $buffer ) -

int openal_buffer_get ( resource $buffer , int $property ) -

bool openal_buffer_loadwav ( resource $buffer , string $wavfile ) -

resource openal_context_create ( resource $device ) -

bool openal_context_current ( resource $context ) -

bool openal_context_destroy ( resource $context ) -

bool openal_context_process ( resource $context ) -

bool openal_context_suspend ( resource $context ) -

bool openal_device_close ( resource $device ) -

resource openal_device_open ([ string $device_desc ] ) -

mixed openal_listener_get ( int $property ) -

bool openal_listener_set ( int $property , mixed $setting ) -

resource openal_source_create ( void ) -

bool openal_source_destroy ( resource $source ) -

mixed openal_source_get ( resource $source , int $property ) -

bool openal_source_pause ( resource $source ) -

bool openal_source_play ( resource $source ) -

bool openal_source_rewind ( resource $source ) -

bool openal_source_set ( resource $source , int $property , mixed $setting ) -

bool openal_source_stop ( resource $source ) -

resource openal_stream ( resource $source , int $format , int $rate ) -