PHP MaxDB PHP Extension Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on MaxDB PHP Extension functions in the PHP source code builder.

int maxdb_affected_rows ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_autocommit ( resource $link , bool $mode ) -



bool maxdb_change_user ( resource $link , string $user , string $password , string $database ) -

string maxdb_character_set_name ( resource $link ) -


bool maxdb_close ( resource $link ) -


bool maxdb_commit ( resource $link ) -

resource maxdb_connect ([ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket ]]]]]] ) -

int maxdb_connect_errno ( void ) -

string maxdb_connect_error ( void ) -

bool maxdb_data_seek ( resource $result , int $offset ) -

void maxdb_debug ( string $debug ) - The maxdb_debug() can be used to trace the SQLDBC communication. The following strings can be used as a parameter to maxdb_debug(): TRACE SHORT ON|OFF - Enables/disables method call trace. TRACE LONG ON|OFF - Enables/disables method argument and detail debug trace. TRACE PACKET ON|OFF| - Enables/disables packet trace, limiting the size of the traced object to the specified number of bytes, or 1000 if no size is specified. TRACE SQL ON|OFF - Enables/disables high level api trace. TRACE TIMESTAMP ON|OFF - Enables/disables a timestamp prefix on each line that is traced. TRACE SIZE - Limits the size of the trace file to bytes, at least 8192 bytes are required.

bool maxdb_disable_reads_from_master ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_disable_rpl_parse ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_dump_debug_info ( resource $link ) -

resource maxdb_embedded_connect ([ string $dbname ] ) -

bool maxdb_enable_reads_from_master ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_enable_rpl_parse ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_errno ( resource $link ) -

string maxdb_error ( resource $link ) -




mixed maxdb_fetch_array ( resource $result [, int $resulttype ] ) -

array maxdb_fetch_assoc ( resource $result ) -

mixed maxdb_fetch_field ( resource $result ) -

mixed maxdb_fetch_field_direct ( resource $result , int $fieldnr ) -

mixed maxdb_fetch_fields ( resource $result ) -

array maxdb_fetch_lengths ( resource $result ) -

object maxdb_fetch_object ( object $result ) -

mixed maxdb_fetch_row ( resource $result ) -

int maxdb_field_count ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_field_seek ( resource $result , int $fieldnr ) -

int maxdb_field_tell ( resource $result ) -

void maxdb_free_result ( resource $result ) -

string maxdb_get_client_info ( void ) - The maxdb_get_client_info() function is used to return a string representing the client version being used in the MaxDB extension.

int maxdb_get_client_version ( void ) - Returns client version number as an integer.

string maxdb_get_host_info ( resource $link ) -


int maxdb_get_proto_info ( resource $link ) -

string maxdb_get_server_info ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_get_server_version ( resource $link ) -

string maxdb_info ( resource $link ) -

resource maxdb_init ( void ) -

mixed maxdb_insert_id ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_kill ( resource $link , int $processid ) -

bool maxdb_master_query ( resource $link , string $query ) -

bool maxdb_more_results ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_multi_query ( resource $link , string $query ) -

bool maxdb_next_result ( resource $link ) - Since multiple queries are not yet supported, maxdb_next_result() returns always FALSE.

int maxdb_num_fields ( resource $result ) -

int maxdb_num_rows ( resource $result ) -

bool maxdb_options ( resource $link , int $option , mixed $value ) -


bool maxdb_ping ( resource $link ) -

resource maxdb_prepare ( resource $link , string $query ) -

mixed maxdb_query ( resource $link , string $query [, int $resultmode ] ) -

bool maxdb_real_connect ( resource $link [, string $hostname [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket ]]]]]] ) -

string maxdb_real_escape_string ( resource $link , string $escapestr ) -

bool maxdb_real_query ( resource $link , string $query ) -

bool maxdb_report ( int $flags ) -

bool maxdb_rollback ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_rpl_probe ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_rpl_query_type ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_select_db ( resource $link , string $dbname ) - The maxdb_select_db() function selects the default database (specified by the dbname parameter) to be used when performing queries against the database connection represented by the link parameter.


bool maxdb_send_query ( resource $link , string $query ) -

void maxdb_server_end ( void ) -

bool maxdb_server_init ([ array $server [, array $groups ]] ) -


string maxdb_sqlstate ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_ssl_set ( resource $link , string $key , string $cert , string $ca , string $capath , string $cipher ) -

string maxdb_stat ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_stmt_affected_rows ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_bind_param ( resource $stmt , string $types , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_bind_result ( resource $stmt , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_close ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_close_long_data ( resource $stmt , int $param_nr ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_data_seek ( resource $statement , int $offset ) -

int maxdb_stmt_errno ( resource $stmt ) -

string maxdb_stmt_error ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_execute ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_fetch ( resource $stmt ) -

void maxdb_stmt_free_result ( resource $stmt ) -

resource maxdb_stmt_init ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_stmt_num_rows ( resource $stmt ) -

int maxdb_stmt_param_count ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_prepare ( resource $stmt , string $query ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_reset ( resource $stmt ) -

resource maxdb_stmt_result_metadata ( resource $stmt ) -

bool maxdb_stmt_send_long_data ( resource $stmt , int $param_nr , string $data ) -

string maxdb_stmt_sqlstate ( resource $stmt ) - Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently invoked prepared statement function that can succeed or fail. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means no error. The values are specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC.

bool maxdb_stmt_store_result ( resource $stmt ) -

resource maxdb_store_result ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_thread_id ( resource $link ) -

bool maxdb_thread_safe ( void ) -

resource maxdb_use_result ( resource $link ) -

int maxdb_warning_count ( resource $link ) -