PHP Firebird/InterBase Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Firebird/InterBase functions in the PHP source code builder.

bool ibase_add_user ( resource $service_handle , string $user_name , string $password [, string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name ]]] ) - PHP 4 uses server, dba_user_name and dba_user_password instead of service_handle parameter.

int ibase_affected_rows ([ resource $link_identifier ] ) - This function returns the number of rows that were affected by the previous query (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) that was executed from within the specified transaction context.

mixed ibase_backup ( resource $service_handle , string $source_db , string $dest_file [, int $options [, bool $verbose ]] ) -

void ibase_blob_add ( resource $blob_handle , string $data ) -

bool ibase_blob_cancel ( resource $blob_handle ) -

mixed ibase_blob_close ( resource $blob_handle ) - This function closes a BLOB that has either been opened for reading by ibase_open_blob() or has been opened for writing by ibase_create_blob().

resource ibase_blob_create ([ resource $link_identifier ] ) - ibase_blob_create() creates a new BLOB for filling with data.

bool ibase_blob_echo ([ resource $link_identifier ], string $blob_id ) - This function opens a BLOB for reading and sends its contents directly to standard output (the browser, in most cases).

string ibase_blob_get ( resource $blob_handle , int $len ) -

string ibase_blob_import ( resource $link_identifier , resource $file_handle ) -

array ibase_blob_info ( resource $link_identifier , string $blob_id ) -

resource ibase_blob_open ( resource $link_identifier , string $blob_id ) -

bool ibase_close ([ resource $connection_id ] ) -

bool ibase_commit ([ resource $link_or_trans_identifier ] ) - Commits a transaction.

bool ibase_commit_ret ([ resource $link_or_trans_identifier ] ) - Commits a transaction without closing it.

resource ibase_connect ([ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int $sync ]]]]]]]] ) - Establishes a connection to an InterBase server.

string ibase_db_info ( resource $service_handle , string $db , int $action [, int $argument ] ) -

bool ibase_delete_user ( resource $service_handle , string $user_name ) - PHP 4 uses server, dba_user_name and dba_user_password instead of service_handle parameter.

bool ibase_drop_db ([ resource $connection ] ) -

int ibase_errcode ( void ) - Returns the error code that resulted from the most recent InterBase function call.

string ibase_errmsg ( void ) -

resource ibase_execute ( resource $query [, mixed $bind_arg [, mixed $... ]] ) -

array ibase_fetch_assoc ( resource $result [, int $fetch_flag ] ) - Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array.

object ibase_fetch_object ( resource $result_id [, int $fetch_flag ] ) - Fetches a row as a pseudo-object from a given result identifier.

array ibase_fetch_row ( resource $result_identifier [, int $fetch_flag ] ) - ibase_fetch_row() fetches one row of data from the given result set.

array ibase_field_info ( resource $result , int $field_number ) - Returns an array with information about a field after a select query has been run.

bool ibase_free_event_handler ( resource $event ) - This function causes the registered event handler specified by event to be cancelled. The callback function will no longer be called for the events it was registered to handle.

bool ibase_free_query ( resource $query ) - Frees a prepared query.

bool ibase_free_result ( resource $result_identifier ) - Frees a result set.

mixed ibase_gen_id ( string $generator [, int $increment [, resource $link_identifier ]] ) -

bool ibase_maintain_db ( resource $service_handle , string $db , int $action [, int $argument ] ) -

bool ibase_modify_user ( resource $service_handle , string $user_name , string $password [, string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name ]]] ) -

bool ibase_name_result ( resource $result , string $name ) - This function assigns a name to a result set. This name can be used later in UPDATE|DELETE ... WHERE CURRENT OF name statements.

int ibase_num_fields ( resource $result_id ) - Get the number of fields in a result set.

int ibase_num_params ( resource $query ) - This function returns the number of parameters in the prepared query specified by query.

array ibase_param_info ( resource $query , int $param_number ) - Returns an array with information about a parameter after a query has been prepared.

resource ibase_pconnect ([ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int $sync ]]]]]]]] ) - Opens a persistent connection to an InterBase database.

resource ibase_prepare ( string $query ) -

resource ibase_query ([ resource $link_identifier ], string $query [, int $bind_args ] ) -

mixed ibase_restore ( resource $service_handle , string $source_file , string $dest_db [, int $options [, bool $verbose ]] ) -

bool ibase_rollback ([ resource $link_or_trans_identifier ] ) - Rolls back a transaction.

bool ibase_rollback_ret ([ resource $link_or_trans_identifier ] ) - Rolls back a transaction without closing it.

string ibase_server_info ( resource $service_handle , int $action ) -

resource ibase_service_attach ( string $host , string $dba_username , string $dba_password ) -

bool ibase_service_detach ( resource $service_handle ) -

resource ibase_set_event_handler ( callback $event_handler , string $event_name1 [, string $event_name2 [, string $... ]] ) -

bool ibase_timefmt ( string $format [, int $columntype ] ) - Sets the format of timestamp, date or time type columns returned from queries.

resource ibase_trans ([ int $trans_args [, resource $link_identifier ]] ) - Begins a transaction.

string ibase_wait_event ( string $event_name1 [, string $event_name2 [, string $... ]] ) -