PHP dBase Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on dBase functions in the PHP source code builder.
bool dbase_add_record ( int $dbase_identifier , array $record ) - Adds the given data to the database.
bool dbase_close ( int $dbase_identifier ) - Closes the given database link identifier.
int dbase_create ( string $filename , array $fields ) - dbase_create() creates a dBase database with the given definition.
bool dbase_delete_record ( int $dbase_identifier , int $record_number ) - Marks the given record to be deleted from the database.
array dbase_get_header_info ( int $dbase_identifier ) - Returns information on the column structure of the given database link identifier.
array dbase_get_record ( int $dbase_identifier , int $record_number ) - Gets a record from a database as an indexed array.
array dbase_get_record_with_names ( int $dbase_identifier , int $record_number ) - Gets a record from a dBase database as an associative array.
int dbase_numfields ( int $dbase_identifier ) - Gets the number of fields (columns) in the specified database.
int dbase_numrecords ( int $dbase_identifier ) - Gets the number of records (rows) in the specified database.
int dbase_open ( string $filename , int $mode ) - dbase_open() opens a dBase database with the given access mode.
bool dbase_pack ( int $dbase_identifier ) -
bool dbase_replace_record ( int $dbase_identifier , array $record , int $record_number ) - Replaces the given record in the database with the given data.