PHP Bzip2 Compression Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on Bzip2 Compression functions in the PHP source code builder.
int bzclose ( resource $bz ) - Closes the given bzip2 file pointer.
mixed bzcompress ( string $source [, int $blocksize [, int $workfactor ]] ) - bzcompress() compresses the given string and returns it as bzip2 encoded data.
mixed bzdecompress ( string $source [, int $small ] ) - bzdecompress() decompresses the given string containing bzip2 encoded data.
int bzerrno ( resource $bz ) - Returns the error number of any bzip2 error returned by the given file pointer.
array bzerror ( resource $bz ) - Returns the error number and error string of any bzip2 error returned by the given file pointer.
string bzerrstr ( resource $bz ) - Gets the error string of any bzip2 error returned by the given file pointer.
int bzflush ( resource $bz ) - Forces a write of all buffered bzip2 data for the file pointer bz.
resource bzopen ( string $filename , string $mode ) - bzopen() opens a bzip2 (.bz2) file for reading or writing.
string bzread ( resource $bz [, int $length ] ) - bzread() reads from the given bzip2 file pointer.
int bzwrite ( resource $bz , string $data [, int $length ] ) - bzwrite() writes a string into the given bzip2 file stream.