PHP Apache-specific Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on Apache-specific functions in the PHP source code builder.
bool apache_child_terminate ( void ) - apache_child_terminate() will register the Apache process executing the current PHP request for termination once execution of PHP code it is completed. It may be used to terminate a process after a script with high memory consumption has been run as memory will usually only be freed internally but not given back to the operating system.
array apache_get_modules ( void ) - Get a list of loaded Apache modules.
string apache_get_version ( void ) - Fetch the Apache version.
string apache_getenv ( string $variable [, bool $walk_to_top ] ) - Get an Apache environment variable as specified by variable.
object apache_lookup_uri ( string $filename ) - This performs a partial request for a URI. It goes just far enough to obtain all the important information about the given resource.
string apache_note ( string $note_name [, string $note_value ] ) - apache_note() is an Apache-specific function which gets and sets values in a request's notes table.
array apache_request_headers ( void ) - Fetches all HTTP requests from the current request.
bool apache_reset_timeout ( void ) - apache_reset_timeout() resets the Apache write timer, which defaults to 300 seconds. With set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(true) and periodic apache_reset_timeout() calls, Apache can theoretically run forever.
array apache_response_headers ( void ) - Fetch all HTTP response headers.
bool apache_setenv ( string $variable , string $value [, bool $walk_to_top ] ) - apache_setenv() sets the value of the Apache environment variable specified by variable.
int ascii2ebcdic ( string $ascii_str ) - ascii2ebcdic() is an Apache-specific function which is available only on EBCDIC based operating systems (OS/390, BS2000). It translates the ASCII encoded string ascii_str to its equivalent EBCDIC representation (binary safe), and returns the result.
int ebcdic2ascii ( string $ebcdic_str ) - ebcdic2ascii() is an Apache-specific function which is available only on EBCDIC based operating systems (OS/390, BS2000). It translates the EBCDIC encoded string ebcdic_str to its equivalent ASCII representation (binary safe), and returns the result.
array getallheaders ( void ) - Fetches all HTTP requests from the current request.
bool virtual ( string $filename ) - virtual() is an Apache-specific function which is similar to in mod_include. It performs an Apache sub-request. It is useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything else that you would parse through Apache. Note that for a CGI script, the script must generate valid CGI headers. At the minimum that means it must generate a Content-type header.