PHP Alternative PHP Cache Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Alternative PHP Cache functions in the PHP source code builder.

bool apc_add ( string $key , mixed $var [, int $ttl ] ) -

array apc_cache_info ([ string $cache_type [, bool $limited ]] ) -

bool apc_clear_cache ([ string $cache_type ] ) -

bool apc_compile_file ( string $filename ) -

bool apc_define_constants ( string $key , array $constants [, bool $case_sensitive ] ) -

bool apc_delete ( string $key ) -

mixed apc_fetch ( string $key ) -

bool apc_load_constants ( string $key [, bool $case_sensitive ] ) -

array apc_sma_info ([ bool $limited ] ) -

bool apc_store ( string $key , mixed $var [, int $ttl ] ) -