JavaScript String Functions
EditRocket provides the following information on String functions in the JavaScript source code builder.
null - Creates an HTML anchor
big () - Displays a string in a big font
blink () - Displays a blinking string
bold () - Displays a string in bold
charAt (index) - Returns the character at a specified position
charCodeAt (index) - Returns the Unicode of the character at a specified position
concat(stringX,stringX,...,stringX) - Required. One or more string objects to be joined to a string
fixed () - Displays a string as teletype text
fontcolor (color) - Displays a string in a specified color
fontsize (size) - Displays a string in a specified size
fromCharCode (numX,numX,...,numX) - Takes the specified Unicode values and returns a string
indexOf (searchValue[,fromindex]) - Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified string value in a string
italics () - Displays a string in italic
lastIndexOf (search[,fromindex]) - Returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified string value, searching backwards from the specified position in a string
link (url) - Displays a string as a hyperlink
match (searchValue) - Searches for a specified value in a string
replace (indstring,newstring) - Replaces some characters with some other characters in a string
search (searchString) - Searches a string for a specified value
slice (start[,end]) - Extracts a part of a string and returns the extracted part in a new string
small () - Displays a string in a small font
split (separator[,howmany]) - Splits a string into an array of strings
strike () - Displays a string with a strikethrough
sub () - Displays a string as subscript
substr (start[,length]) - Extracts a specified number of characters in a string, from a start index
substring (start[,stop]) - Extracts the characters in a string between two specified indices
sup () - Displays a string as superscript
toLowerCase () - Displays a string in lowercase letters
toUpperCase () - Displays a string in uppercase letters
toSource () - Represents the source code of an object
valueOf () - Returns the primitive value of a String object