JavaScript Global Functions

EditRocket provides the following information on Global functions in the JavaScript source code builder.

decodeURI (URIString) - Decodes an encoded URI

decodeURIComponent (URIString) - Decodes an encoded URI component

encodeURI (URIString) - Encodes a string as a URI

encodeURIComponent (URIString) - Encodes a string as a URI component

escape (string) - Encodes a string

eval (String) - Evaluates a string and executes it as if it was script code

isFinite (number) - Checks if a value is a finite number

isNaN (number) - Checks if a value is not a number

Number (object) - Converts an object's value to a number

parseFloat (string) - Parses a string and returns a floating point number

parseInt (string) - Parses a string and returns an integer

String (object) - Converts an object's value to a string

unescape (string) - Decodes a string encoded by escape()